Program 2020
Related events
18. 11. 2020 – 20. 12. 2020
Infrastructure Complex: Altered Earth
The main curated program of this year’s IFCA.
15. 12. 2020 – 17. 12. 2020
15. 12. 2020 / 19:00
Live / An interview with RadicalxChange founder Glen Weyl
The interview with the political economist and social technologist Glen Weyl.
16. 12. 2020 / 19:00
Live / The Cost of Existence
In her lecture The Cost of Existence Zoë Hitzig highlights the ever more important techno-political dimension of the political decisions taken nowadays.
17. 12. 2020 / 19:00
Live / Harnessing the Market
In his lecture entitled Harnessing the Market Ash Milton highlights several things that – especially after COVID-19 and the fact that planning is back in fashion – have once again become a part of the common social imaginary.
17. 12. 2020 / 19:30
Live / Introduction to ŠUMxVIDEO
23. 11. 2020 / 19:00
Live / Geography and Geographying. Notes on the Normative Disposition of Analytical Models
Our planetary mechanism of sensing and data processing has become an indispensable part of understanding the environment. Architect and geographer George Papamattheakis lectures on the descriptive models used and generated by this mechanism and the normative dispositions that influence how we respond to the results of these analyzes.
26. 11. 2020 / 19:00
Live /
Špela Petrič and Miha Turšič talk about topics and context of their project that traces the substance flow of one of the most abundant elements in the Earth’s crust – and in the universe – that is, carbon.
30. 11. 2020 / 19:00
Live / Planet, Zone, Grid: A contemporary view on infrastructures
In four modular videos Lukáš Likavčan, Anežka Horová, František Fekete in Daniel Burda talk about the politics of infrastructures and the context and topics of their research art project Planet, Zone, Grid: A contemporary view on infrastructures.
04. 12. 2020 / 19:00
Live / Black Market: 6gb ending
Virtual fork of Andrej Škufca's project on technology as ecology and new infrastructural landscapes where human is no longer a central actor. Narrated by George Papamattheakis.
07. 12. 2020 / 19:00
Live / Deep Flow
Video presentation of the project by Tin Troha, a chimera of traditional architectural media: scale model, technical drawing, render graphic, all flowing together into a feverish, prophetic deep dream about a monstrous infrastructural hybrid in the now-abandoned zinc and lead mine under Predil on the Slovenian-Italian border.
08. 12. 2020 / 19:00
Live / Temporal Secessionism – Timezone #1
Nascent (Max Hampshire and Paul Seidler) present its Timezone #1, one of the three pieces of alternative infrastructure that make up Temporal Secessionism. Time is a socio-technological construct. How do different time systems reliant on metrics outside of the dominant one arise? The video includes also textual inserts by Amy Ireland.
10. 12. 2020 / 19:00
Live / Nirgendheim
Jelena Viskovic presents her project Nirgendheim and talks about how computational modelling and games/simulations fit into the idea of planetary computation and create new possibilities to navigate the space of algorithmic megastructures.
20. 11. 2020 / 21:00 – 23:00
Live / dj final form DJ set + Liara T'Soni VJ set
dj final form and Liara T'Soni have prepared a DJ / VJ set, which juxtaposes a selection of several sound curiousities from internet music underground with an experimental collage of various online videos.
14. 12. 2020 / 19:00 – 19:00
Live / Trauma and Identity after Computing
Václav Janoščík, an educator, theorist and curator and this year’s IFCA resident, presents his trauma-focused, pharmacological and pop-philosophical approach.
09. 12. 2020 / 19:00
Live / Examining the Transmogrifying Panopticon
In their lecture, the Omsk Social Club collective explores how terraforming life becomes not only a task for survival, but also a task to create new positions of reality in our current world, to enable the manifestation of imaginative life, transformative social presence and alternative landscapes before others do it for us.
12. 11. 2020 – 31. 12. 2020 / 00:00 – 23:30
Extractor is a dystopian board game designed by Simon Denny that maps the possible dynamic of global data companies or ‘platforms’ that fight for global domination. Three game sets are available at the IFCA and can be borrowed until the end of 2020.
20. 12. 2020 / 10:00 – 18:00
Geocinema: Making of Earths
Location: Museum of Modern Art
Making of Earths navigates the architectures of planetary cinema.
19. 12. 2020 / 10:00 – 18:00
White Mountain
Location: Museum of Modern Art
White Mountain is a 16mm docu-fiction film focusing on the Pionen data centre.
14. 10. 2020 – 29. 10. 2020
IFCA Student Award Winners Exhibition
Location: Media Nox Gallery
30. 10. 2020 – 15. 12. 2020
IFCA Archive in the Making
Location: Cultural Incubator
IFCA archive, window projections
18. 12. 2020 / 19:00 – 19:30
Heklab.arhiv 2019/2020
Researching soundscapes. Joining digital and analogue technologies. Manipulation. Modification. Meditation.
23. 10. 2020 – 29. 04. 2021 / 17:00 – 20:00
TONSPUR for a public space
Location: TONSPUR_passage
TONSPUR_passage Maribor (the passage between the Main Square and Rotovž Square) represents a real architectural space in an urban centre and is equipped with mounted speakers for a multi-channel playback of compositions made specifically for the passage constellation.
23. 10. 2020 – 02. 12. 2020
konS module
One of the IFCA modules is dedicated to the presentation of new projects developed within the framework of konS – Platform for Contemporary Investigative Art.
17. 11. 2020 / 18:00 – 20:00
konS / On the Inclusion of Art into Innovation Processes
Location: konS - Platform for Contemporary Investigative Art
At the panel discussion entitled “On the Inclusion of Art into Innovation Processes”, we will discuss the challenges facing both artists as individuals as well as art organisations as they step beyond the field of art into the real sector. At the panel discussion, the invited artists, producers and representatives of the real economy and local communities will speak about their experiences.
03. 11. 2020 / 18:00 – 21:00
konS / Investment in the Future: Lifelong Improvement of Competencies in STEAM Fields in Practice and Public Policies
Location: konS - Platform for Contemporary Investigative Art
Screening of the short film konS DP2. Round table Investment in the Future: Lifelong Improvement of Competencies in STEAM Fields in Practice and Public Policies.
26. 10. 2020 / 17:00 – 17:30
konS / We Need to Talk, AI
Artificial intelligence has become a buzzword used each day by more and more people even outside the technology sector. Many of us can no longer imagine life and work without AI. But few people understand what AI is all about – many people don’t even know they use it on a daily basis.
06. 11. 2020 / 18:00 – 20:00
konS / Boštjan Perovšek
Location: konS - Platform for Contemporary Investigative Art
Boštjan Perovšek je nedavno predstavil umetniški projekt Zvočna prepletanja, ki je nastal pod okriljem Zavoda Cona v okviru konSovega vabila za prijavo. Kot uvod v pogovor bo predstavljal video, ki osvetljuje idejo in razvoj projekta - ta je bil na ogled v Stekleniku, Boštjan Perovšek pa bo spregovoril tudi sam in odgovoril na vaša vprašanja.
18. 11. 2020 / 17:00
konS / ALMA meets FLORA
Location: konS - Platform for Contemporary Investigative Art
The workshop explores the still taboo experience of the intimate health of modern women. The purpose of the workshop is to identify the issues that touch our emotions, upbringing in the moments when our intimate everyday life is marked by inflammation.
20. 11. 2020 / 18:00
Boštjan Čadež: Line Rider
Location: konS - Platform for Contemporary Investigative Art
Throughout art history, some artworks have been lucky enough to be understood not simply as art, but as useful tools, public spaces, cultural phenomena, or memes. Line Rider is one such artwork.
24. 11. 2020 / 18:00
konS / Tilen Sepič: Cosmic Rain
Location: konS - Platform for Contemporary Investigative Art
In project Cosmic Rain, light-sound installation, the artist Tilen Sepič analyses and visualises the phenomenon of “cosmic rays”, high-energy particles invisible to the naked eye that originate in space, mostly outside our solar system.
27. 11. 2020 / 18:00
konS / The Participation of Art in Innovations for the Future
Location: konS - Platform for Contemporary Investigative Art
The panel discussion will confront views on the field of interdisciplinary innovation and offer a few examples of good practices.
07. 12. 2020
konS / Biobot: Laboratory situation
Location: konS - Platform for Contemporary Investigative Art
The project is dedicated to soft tissue engineering and developing a robot with functioning biological muscle which moves the body.