International Festival
of Computer Arts

While you make pretty speeches


While you make pretty speeches

  • 28th MFRU
  • Video
Artist Betina Habjanič
While you make pretty speeches

Industrial animal farming and its massive scale killing-operating system is one of the biggest crimes in the history of humankind. While ignoring facts of crucial background consequences of animal exploitation for human consumption, we - as the higher breed - take great pride in naming this practice the circle of life when in reality it is the circle of our madness, disease, and death.

AR film project is an intimate path to the author’s exploration of enlightening documents of animal cruelty through artistic expression. The document presents, through visual-auditory strategies, the stimulus of the intoxication of the ambiance created by the proximity of mass slaughter and death. Visceral in the aseptic evocation of the machine for killing creates anxius sight of vision into the marginal reality of necropolitical phantasm.