Opening hours of exhibition locations for the main programme:
8–14 October 2022: 2 pm–7 pm
FRIDAY, 7 October
Vetrinjski dvor, Vetrinjska ulica 30, Maribor
- 7.15 pm–11 pm Vid Merlak, projection on the interior façade of Vetrinjski dvor
- 7.30 pm OPENING OF THE FESTIVAL (courtyard of Vetrinjski dvor)
- 8 pm–11 pm Filip Polner: Electronic Sound Compositions, electronic music concert
- 8.30 pm Guided tour of exhibition locations – with Aleksandra Saška Gruden, artistic director of the IFCA festival.
SATURDAY, 8 October
- 5 pm Workshop for pupils with Jaka Berger, Vetrinjski dvor, upper hall
- 5:30 pm Guided tour of the locations
- 8 pm Performance by Simon Macuh & Estela Žutić, Vetrinjski dvor, upper hall
SUNDAY, 9 October
- 11 am–1 pm Roundtable discussion with the IFCA participants, chaired by Tomaž Grušovnik, Vetrinjski dvor, upper hall
- 7 pm Music performance by Simon Whethman, Vetrinjski dvor, upper hall
MONDAY, 10 October
- 5 pm–6.30 pm Experiential workshop for children, (Cona), (konS)
- 5:30 pm Guided tour of exhibition halls, meeting point at Vetrinjski dvor
- 8 pm Musical performance by Simon Whetham, Vetrinjski dvor, upper hall
TUESDAY, 11 October
- 10 am Apofenija/1/, GT 22, intimate stage, theatre performance for pupils (konS)
- 6 pm Public guided tour of the exhibition Vertical Clouds, GT22, lobby
- 7 pm Opening of the Jewish Street Gallery, Borut Popenko
WEDNESDAY, 12 October
- 10 am Open Day at Kulturni inkubator, viewing of the exhibition Gallus Gallus Roboticus, Kulturni inkubator, exhibition area (konS)
- Apofenija/1/, GT 22, intimate stage, theatre performance for pupils
- 6 pm Guided tour of the exhibition Stelarc&Stefan Doepner, Kulturni inkubator, basement (konS)
- 6.30 pm Public discussion on the exhibition Gallus Gallus Roboticus, Kulturni inkubator, archive (konS)
- 8.10 pm Radio Slovenija, Ars programme: presentation of Jata C and their audio works
THURSDAY, 13 October
- 5:30 pm Guided tours of exhibition halls, meeting point at Vetrinjski dvor
- 8 pm Apofenija/1/, GT 22, intimate stage, theatre performance, open for the public
FRIDAY, 14 October
- 8 pm Concert by Jata C, Vetrinjski dvor, upper hall