International Festival
of Computer Arts

Heard: Digital Footprint Music


Heard: Digital Footprint Music

  • 28th MFRU
  • Sound installation
Artist Vid Merlak
Heard: Digital Footprint Music

By being active online, creating files, or even simple actions such as managing settings in the operating system of our choice, we unwittingly create a digital footprint by imprinting a part of ourselves on the computer. The phenomenon is even more pronounced with the use of portable mobile devices. They can track our frequented locations using GPS tracking, and if we use an NFC chip to use public transport or make a payment, the picture of our lives and our personality is even more accurately drawn. Interacting with our devices, therefore, generates a constant stream of personal preferences that identify us in the eyes of the device. If we could summarise the data recorded about us by all our devices, and within them by apps and advertisers' trackers, in a graphical presentation, we as users would be amazed by the amount and accuracy of the data collected. The aim of the project "Heard" is the opposite, I interpret the author's data and his preferences when interacting with his devices through music, which, with its composition, rhythm, harmonic/disharmonic, and intensity, represents different groups of data. The music is given through the visual representation of these data, which are abstracted/indistinguishable. I thus make this set of data, which would frighten a normal user, more light-hearted, almost pleasant.