International Festival
of Computer Arts

MFRU 1997

3rd MFRU Interactive Art

02.–10. October 1997, Maribor, Slovenia

“The key point of contact of this year’s festival programme is the relation(ship) between the artist/creator/transmitter and the viewer/receptor whereat the positions can be changes: the viewer becomes also the transmitter and vice versa, the creator becomes the receptor. In the age of electronic media and the so-called global communication in artistic projects the changes starting point is noticeable, too. More and more the internal active relationship between the transmitter and receptor on one hand (inter nos = between us/the two of us) and individuality of both of them are taken into account/considered (explicitly: artistic projects on www, e.g. Igor Štromajer).”

(Aleksandra Kostić, Internal-External, 1997 catalogue, excerpt)

Paul Sermon: Telematic Dreaming

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MFRU 1997


  • Mutimedijski center Kibla


  • Pekarna Magdalenske Mreže - logo
  • Institut informacijskih znanosti (IZUM)

  • Pedagoška fakultera Maribor

  • Mariborska knjižnica Rotovž

  • Tehniške fakultete

  • ŠKUC

  • OŠ Bratov Polančičev

  • OŠ Bojana Ilicha