International Festival
of Computer Arts

MFRU 1995

1st MFRU Presentation of Slovene Computer Artists

19.–02. September 1995, Maribor, Slovenia

“… We are confronted with leaving a historically defined position that mimics the world of our natural senses. New media and technology make possible an artificial interface that is dominated by non-identity and difference, instead of which it produces a new type of identity, something much more radical: a complete loss of identity. The subject is forced to presume that they are not what they had always thought they were, but rather someone or something entirely different.

The use of new technologies (virtual reality, computer graphics and animation, global internet communications, new electronic media) is reflected in specific theoretical and cultural productions and aesthetic concepts, that contain their essence in the re-reading, praxis and coordination of our identity, sexuality and even our position in history.”

(Marina Gržinič, Virtual exploration of contemporary visual culture, catalogue, 1995, excerpt)

“… We are confronted with leaving a historically defined position that mimics the world of our natural senses. New media and technology make possible an artificial interface that is dominated by non-identity and difference, instead of which it produces a new type of identity, something much more radical: a complete loss of identity. The subject is forced to presume that they are not what they had always thought they were, but rather someone or something entirely different.

The use of new technologies (virtual reality, computer graphics and animation, global internet communications, new electronic media) is reflected in specific theoretical and cultural productions and aesthetic concepts, that contain their essence in the re-reading, praxis and coordination of our identity, sexuality and even our position in history.”

(Marina Gržinič, Virtual exploration of contemporary visual culture, catalogue, 1995, excerpt)

MFRU 1995


Projekt finančno podprli

  • SCCA Ljubljana

  • Urad RS za mladino ***

Koproducenti, podporniki, soorganizatorji

  • Institut informacijskih znanosti (IZUM)

  • Zveza društev inženirjev in tehnikov, Maribor

  • Galerija Hiša

  • ZKO Maribor

  • Umetniški kabinet Primož Premzl

  • AGD Gustaf

  • Mreža za Magdaleno

  • Zveza prijateljev mladine


  • Video ToP d.o,o,

  • Comtec design

  • Abraxas d.o.o.

  • Računalniška revija WIN.INI

  • Škorec

  • Madison računalniški inženiring d.o.o.

  • Studio Legen

  • LDS - Liberalna demokracija Slovenije

  • MCA Trade

  • Reklamna agencija Magi

  • Galerija Hiša

  • Galerija Hiša

  • Umetniški kabinet Primož Premzl