International Festival
of Computer Arts

25IFCA_ Automated Ecologies


25IFCA_ Automated Ecologies

  • 25th MFRU
  • Exhibition

11. 10. 2019 – 20. 10. 2019

Location: Pristan/Staninvest Podhod Slavija

Curator Tjaša Pogačar
25IFCA_ Automated Ecologies

Today computer technology manifests as a broad, hi-tech environment of intelligent, self-learning systems, that pervade activity in every sphere of society while profoundly influencing not only the global economic but also ecological reality. Contemporary techno-ecology entwines technological and biological systems within which the human subject no longer has a privileged position; he or she is integrated into them fundamentally reconfigured and on a common plane with other (non-human) actors and events. Rather than renounce or interpret complexities of these processes that escape our comprehension, art can be driven by them in order to expand and transform our conceptual apparatus. It can thus develop new ways of interacting with technological and natural systems, investigate the role of new technologies for the empowerment of the non-human world and their potential in the absence of human-oriented goals.

Tjaša Pogačar

25MFRU_ Avtomatizirane ekologije