International Festival
of Computer Arts

The Game-Changers


The Game-Changers

  • 30th MFRU
  • Live board game

19. 10. 2024 / 17:00 – 19:30

Artist Rok Kranjc
The Game-Changers

The Game–Changers is a modular board and card game that serves as both a co-design platform and a participatory theatre experience. Players on two ideologically opposed teams (e.g., Capitalism vs. Communism or Green Growth vs. Degrowth) compete to win over the hearts and minds of the public by claiming the buzzwords that will shape the future of our economies (regenerative, circular, smart, etc.). Using cards as prompts, the teams must convince audience members—called “peerticipants”—through semi-improvised storytelling and role-playing, demonstrating their imaginative and discursive power.

The game’s goal is to foster collective sensemaking and mutual support, enabling the creation of vivid, critical, and imaginative narratives about the status quo and alternative futures. We invite you to step into the role of peerticipants, contributing storytelling prompts, and judging and responding to the players' narratives in real-time.