International Festival
of Computer Arts

Exhibition of Robots


Exhibition of Robots

  • 10th MFRU
  • Exhibition

11. 05. 2004

Location: Votlina

Curator Jože Slaček
Author Branko Zupan
Exhibition of Robots

- Branko Zupan
- Robot fight

“The idea to organise a competition of robots that fight each other until only the winner stays on the scene came from Great Britain and quickly found followers in Croatia. The Croatian initiator of such fights was Vedran Relja, an active member of the robotics group at Association for Technical Culture in Zapresic. He develops robot alone and needs good two years of planning, fundraising and work as well as a month for final construction of one of his robots. In the fight such a robot could be destroyed well within a few minutes. All robots are equipped with remote controls, drills, sharp points and saws. The aim of the fight is to damage the opponent seriously or to drag it from the fight scene.”

(Jože Slaček, Robo-fights, catalogue 2004)