International Festival
of Computer Arts




  • 27th MFRU
  • Artwork
Artist Saša Spačal

Biotechnological installation Inspirij* is a breathing station that doses air enriched with Mycobacterium vaccae. Earth bacteria scientifically proven to improve mood, reduce anxiety, and boost mental performance in people. In the central bioreactor Inspirij the air is enriched by the decomposition of alginate capsules filled with bacteria and soil. The dose of the happiness bacteria is dosed by blowing air over the bioreactor, which continuously carries aerosols away and blows them towards the respiratory mask. However, exhausts are not provided, nor evenly dosed. Pressure cylinders and resuscitation balloons push the air of happiness through the masks in a calm rhythm and unequal doses.

*The title of the installation derives from a stage in the breathing process called insprij or inhalation. The word comes out and inspirare [lat.]: To breathe life; to insert into someone’s heart or mind.
