International Festival
of Computer Arts




  • 10th MFRU
  • Installation
  • Poster
Author Barak Reiser

Elbuod je tisti, ki ga ljudje enačijo z mano. Tako kot jaz, gre lahko tudi on v Slovenijo, če jaz to želim.

Originali ne obstajajo, torej tudi kopije ne obstajajo.

Ta serija posterjev je nastala iz fotografij potnih listov ljudi, ki so mi podobni po obnašanju ali zunanjem videzu.

Delo še ni končano.

What you see is not what you see

Am I the person I see each morning in the mirror?

It's a small lie I see in my mirror's reflection

When I'm big will I be Big?

That's what I thought before

Am I big already?

Asking myself while shaving

searching carefully for the new wrinkles and white hairs

didn't find any!

It's a small lie I see in my mirror's reflection

I should ask strangers in the subway what they see

when they see my reflection through the window

It's a small lie that they see my mirror's reflection.

Third text from the series

When I will grow up I will be