International Festival
of Computer Arts

Dmitry Morozov (::vtol::)

Dmitry Morozov (::vtol::)

::vtol:: (1986, RU) is a transdisciplinary artist and researcher. He focuses on contemporary media arts, including sound, robotics, and installation, with a particular emphasis on the connection between emergent systems and new forms of technological synthesis. His works have been showcased in museums and galleries around the world, including the NCCA, MMOMA, Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, State Tretyakov Gallery, Electromuseum, Laboratoria Art&Science Space (Moscow), Laznia Centre for Contemporary Arts (Gdansk), ZKM Zentrum (Karlsruhe), Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art (Boulder), National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts (Taichung), Kapelica Gallery (Ljubljana), and the ArtScience Museum (Singapore), among others. He has also participated in the 4th MBCA (Moscow), SIGGRAPH 2016 (Anaheim), and festivals such as Mirage (Lyon), Ars Electronica (Linz), FutureEverything (Manchester), and CTM (Berlin). He is the recipient of the Sergey Kuryokhin Contemporary Art Award (Russia, 2013 and 2020), Innovation Prize (Russia, 2020), Prix Cube (France, 2014), and has received honorary mentions at VIDA 16.0 (Spain, 2014) as well as at the Prix Ars Electronica (Austria, 2015 and 2017).