International Festival
of Computer Arts

Simon Macuh

Simon Macuh

Simon Macuh (SI) has been self-employed in culture since 2011 as a sculptor, performer and intermedia artist. His work is often based on theory, which he uses as a mental and conceptual starting point, which he then translates into practice through artistic processes. In doing so, he most often draws on Joseph Beuys, Jacques Rancière, Michel Foucault, Bertold Brecht and others. He is interested in social relations, formally as well as substantively, and often engages with other individuals or groups. Most of his works are about the "ecosystems" of cultural and natural environments that are eventfully and processually embedded in a particular locality. The dominant perspective here is humanistic, but not anthropocentric. This process can also be seen as the construction of a "social sculpture", which most often takes place in public space. In this process, the artist is constantly interweaving different media and experimenting with them as much as possible. He is guided by curiosity. Recently, he has been focusing a great deal on researching auditory phenomena and listening. Macuh is part of art collectives such as SIVA, Dr. Xenia, Green Sounds. He is also often involved in productions and technical performances of other artists and groups.