International Festival
of Computer Arts

Exhibition of students' works by The Conceptual (Art) Practices Class/t4 @Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna


- brd (Hannes Böck)
- Dorian Bonelli
- DIGGITAL BOY: Vaš programski prijatelj/DIGGITAL BOY: Your default friend (Alice Cannava in podporna skupina D. B./and the D. B. supporting team)
- magaZINE št. 1: KONCEPTUALNI PROCESI objavljen leta 2004/magaZINE no.1: CONCEPTUAL PROCESSES by t4, published in 2004. Uredniki/edited by: Verena Dengler, David Kellner & Consuella Kunz
- Jaz sem umetnica/I am an artist (Sonja Draub)
- Dojemanje vojne - Približen prikaz v šestih segmentih/Perception of War
- An Approximation in Six Fragments (Eduard Freudmann and Ramon Grendene)
- Brez naslova/No title (Priska Graf)
-Projekt Caithness/The Caithness Project (Christian Sperl)
-Primer: "Celica", mladinski hotel na Metelkovi ulici v Ljubljani/Example "Celica," YOUTH HOSTEL Metelkova, Ljubljana (Moira Hille, Katharina Lampert,Ralo Mayer & Dragičević)
- Ubijte vse sanje!/Kill All Dreams! (ivan & laura, chris gierlinger)
- "Jaz sem odvisnik od teveja" je nekoč rekel Vsakmož/"I am a TV junkie" once said Everyman (David Kellner)
- Intervju z madžarskim strokovnjakom za prazgodovinsko kiparstvo/Interview with a Hungarian specialist on prehistoric sculpture (Lilla Khoor)
- Bitte nicht stören (Koloman Kann)
- Consuela Kunz
- Zabavajte nas/Entertain us (Christian Mayer)
- Muzej Gothenburg N.B./The Museum of Gothenburg N.B. (Ralo Mayer in Philipp Haupt)
- Dokumentarec o Karlu-Heinzu Brandu/A documentary on Karl-Heinz Brand (Eduard Freudmann & Henning Schorn)
- Man OS v 1.1. (Achim Stiermann in Roland Seidel)
- Umetnost kot pregrada/Art As a Barrier (Julia Wagner)