IFCA Student Award Winners Exhibition
13. Oct 2020

The exhibition will present the works of the three IFCA Student Award winners who have all been developing their own artistic expression, working method and strategy of using the digital medium. They are also interested in different subjects: Pavle Banović in the issue of legality of firearms, Edina Muftić in climate change, Matej Mihevc in the processes of machine learning and neural networks. They broach them in various ways: Banović examines in The difference between what it is and what it claims to be digitally induced transformations of forms/meanings, Muftić deals in Botanica with technologically mediated emotiveness within the interlacement of the virtual and the real, while Mihevc’s research‑oriented process Latent Space Walk aims at signification and representation of representing compressed digital data. Members of the expert committee for the award were Ida Hiršenfelder, Igor Štromajer, Miha Horvat, Tjaša Pogačar and Živa Brglez. From 13th till 30th of October in Gallery Media Nox.